
From Mis­takes to Mir­a­cles: A Jew­ish Birthmother’s Sto­ry of Redemp­tion, Hope, & Healing

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Preg­nant and alone, Lori Prashk­er-Thomas felt abor­tion was her only option. When she could­n’t bring her­self to go through with the abor­tion, she set out on a life­time’s jour­ney as a Jew­ish birth­moth­er. Twen­ty-plus years lat­er, Lori not only speak to oth­er women about being a Jew­ish birth­moth­er and her expe­ri­ence with adop­tion, but she also dis­cuss her fight through the life in which she had lived.

Lori ran from telling her sto­ry because of the shame –ashamed of her­self and afraid of sham­ing her fam­i­ly. She ran for many years, but now she stands strong. It’s time to break the stigma!

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