
Galantiere: The Lost Gen­er­a­tion’s For­got­ten Man

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

How did the son of Jew­ish-Lat­vian immi­grants in Chica­go, with no for­mal edu­ca­tion­al degrees, become advi­sor to Ernest Hem­ing­way, James Joyce and Sylvia Beach?

Dis­tin­guished arbi­tra­tor Mark Lurie, Lewis Galantiere’s cousin, brings us, for the first time ever, the sto­ry of the lost gen­er­a­tion’s for­got­ten man. Lewis Galantiere did not com­plete grade school, yet he guid­ed Hem­ing­way through his first years in Paris, when the author was unknown and des­per­ate for recog­ni­tion. He helped James Joyce and Sylvia Beach launch Ulysses; start­ed John House­man in his the­atri­cal career; and col­lab­o­rat­ed with Antoine de Saint-Exu­pery in the writ­ing of Wind, Sand and Stars and Flight to Arras. He was a play­wright, lit­er­ary and cul­tur­al crit­ic, and author; a Fed­er­al Reserve Bank econ­o­mist through­out the Great Depres­sion; direc­tor of the French Branch of the Office of War Infor­ma­tion dur­ing World War II; ACLU Direc­tor dur­ing the McCarthy­ism-fraught 1950s; Coun­selor to Radio Free Europe; and, at a cru­cial time in its his­to­ry, pres­i­dent of PEN Amer­i­ca, the writ­ers advo­ca­cy organization.

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