
Gen­er­a­tion Roe: Inside the Future of the Pro-Choice Movement

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
In this provoca­tive book, Sarah Erdre­ich presents the anti­dote to the usu­al abor­tion debates. Inex­tri­ca­bly con­nect­ed to issues of auton­o­my, pri­va­cy, and sex­u­al­i­ty, the abor­tion debate remains home base for the cul­ture wars in Amer­i­ca. Yet, there is more com­mon ground than meets the eye in favor of choice. Gen­er­a­tion Roe delves into phe­nom­e­na such as abor­tion-recov­ery coun­sel­ing,” cri­sis preg­nan­cy cen­ters,” and the infa­mous anti-choice black chil­dren are an endan­gered species” bill­boards. It tells the sto­ries of those who risk their lives to pur­sue careers in this stig­ma­tized field. And it out­lines the out­ra­geous leg­isla­tive bat­tles that are being waged against abor­tion rights all over the coun­try. With an inspir­ing spir­it and a for­ward-look­ing approach, Erdre­ich holds abor­tion up, unabashed­ly, as a moral and fun­da­men­tal human right. 

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