• From the Publisher
April 24, 2023

Glance, the sec­ond col­lec­tion of poet­ry by Chan­da Feld­man, explores the expe­ri­ences of a Black and white and Jew­ish Amer­i­can fam­i­ly that moves abroad to find respite from con­tem­po­rary racial vio­lence. Span­ning diverse land­scapes in Israel and the Mid­dle East, Europe, and the Unit­ed States, the poems grap­ple with the inabil­i­ty to escape bru­tal­i­ties and prej­u­dices, ask­ing where―and if―it is pos­si­ble to find a sense of home and com­mu­ni­ty. Feel­ings of belong­ing and estrange­ment, safe­ty and threat, as well as ques­tions of iden­ti­ty, both of the self and the fam­i­ly, dri­ve the speak­er to look inward and out­ward in order to nav­i­gate the world.

Though nev­er break­ing free from their atten­dant anx­i­eties, Feldman’s poems rev­el in the beau­ty of envi­ron­ment and place as they tra­verse glob­al spaces, from the sea to the city, from the play­ground to the muse­um, from orchards to the syn­a­gogue, seek­ing a home in the world.

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