
gOld: The Extra­or­di­nary Side of Aging Revealed Through Inspir­ing Conversations

Har­ry J. Getzov
  • From the Publisher
April 30, 2012
What if grow­ing old didn’t have to mean being obso­lete or over the hill? What if, instead, it meant being clas­sic, ven­er­a­ble and wise? What if it meant writ­ing the nov­el you’ve always want­ed to write, or paint­ing, or singing, or teach­ing, or trav­el­ing to a place you’ve always dreamed of?

In gOld, Har­ry J. Get­zov intro­duces us to many of the extra­or­di­nary senior cit­i­zens he has inter­viewed from all walks of life as part of the Elder­ca­tion project he cre­at­ed to pro­mote the con­cept of pos­i­tive aging. Kitchen tables, liv­ing room and den sofas, front porch­es and offices — these are just some of the set­tings in which Get­zov has vis­it­ed with hun­dreds of old­er indi­vid­u­als. These spe­cial vis­its pro­vide these peo­ple with an oppor­tu­ni­ty to talk freely about lessons learned and wis­dom gained, and share their feel­ings about aging — demon­strat­ing that life after 65 can, indeed, be pas­sion­ate and beau­ti­ful.

A pre­cious trea­sure lies hid­den with­in our old­er pop­u­la­tion wait­ing to be revealed. gOld opens the door to its rev­e­la­tion and sug­gests that it is time to change the way we think about aging and about our elder cit­i­zens.


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