
Good Work, Grit & Grat­i­tude: The Bit­ter­sweet Lessons of the Lemon­ade Generation

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

When the world was derailed by Covid-19, the Lemon­ade Gen­er­a­tion was launched as adult chil­dren came home with lap­tops, dirty laun­dry and one-way plane tick­ets, seek­ing sta­bil­i­ty to ride out the cyclone of uncer­tain­ty. In Good Work, Grit & Grat­i­tude, Adri­an Dubow and Lau­ra Koff­sky share how they learned to find the sweet­ness dur­ing this very sour time. Cook­ing exces­sive amounts of food, hoard­ing toi­let paper, and even learn­ing to sit qui­et­ly on the side­lines of an Iron­man com­pe­ti­tion, they trans­formed into true Iron­Moms, devel­op­ing deep­er rela­tion­ships with their chil­dren along with a new­found under­stand­ing of the pow­er of com­mu­ni­ty. In this hon­est, humor­ous, and pro­found mem­oir, they share how they learned to mask up, shut up, lis­ten, laugh, let go and let the next gen­er­a­tion lead, grate­ful to be along for the ride in the passenger’s seat, giv­ing direc­tions — when asked! 

Adri­an and Lau­ra, two dear friends, have been active pro­fes­sion­als and vol­un­teers in the Greater Mia­mi Com­mu­ni­ty for more than 30 years. They are the cofounders of Good Work Mia­mi LLC.

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