– April 24, 2012
A group of four- and five-year olds loved this magical story of a special Grandma who adds a little extra something to whatever she sews. When she sews the bank teller’s wedding dress, Grandma Rose surprises her by adding a lacy bridal veil. She adds beautiful pink and red buttons shaped like roses to a skirt she is hemming for Mrs. Feldman, and twelve beautiful napkins (with blue and gold borders) magically appear with the blue tablecloth Mrs. Cooper has ordered for her daughter who is getting married.
Grandma Rose tells her granddaughter that she is saving all her earnings so she can buy the dishes she saw in the department store. They have pink and red roses and blue and gold trim, and look like the dishes her grandmother used for Shabbos meals. But when the bank teller converts the coins in Grandma Rose’s jar to the $200 she has earned and she goes to purchase the dishes, Grandma Rose is very disappointed. All of the dishes are gone! She is sad, but decides to get a lot of delicious food with which to fill her old dishes. Surprise! When she opens the doors to her house, all of her customers, friends and family are gathered there, each holding a piece of the dish set to thank her for all her wonderful surprises! The story ends with her saying “must be magic” when Mr. Cohen asks how she knew to have all that delicious food for them (which is, of course, being served on those new dishes.)
Cheerful, brightly colored illustrations with sprightly smiling people are the perfect complement to the text. Marshall, who also wrote Talia and the Rude Vegetables, has written a hopeful story brimming with the joys of generosity and emphasizing the message of tikkun olam (fixing the world) without being didactic. Highly recommended for ages 4 – 6.
Andrea Davidson is the librarian of The Temple-Tifereth Israel in Beachwood, Ohio. She holds an M.L.S. from the University of Michigan and is a former member of the Sydney Taylor Book Awards Committee. She enjoys trying out the books she reviews on the kids at the Temple and on her grandchildren.