
Grow­ing Weed in the Gar­den: A No-Fuss Seed-to-Stash Guide to Out­door Cannabis Cultivation

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

Buried deep in Tal­mu­dic lit­er­a­ture are instruc­tions for how to grow cannabis. You can turn to those, or to Johan­na Silver’s Grow­ing Weed in the Gar­den. In this first-ever, out­door-only, beau­ti­ful­ly-pho­tographed grow guide, she cel­e­brates the plan­t’s his­to­ry (it’s the old­est plant under human cul­ti­va­tion!), intro­duces you to a diverse and hilar­i­ous lot of weed gar­den­ers, and spells out the entire process from select­ing seeds to mak­ing tinc­tures and infus­ing oil. Jews have much to be proud of when it comes to weed — it was Israeli sci­en­tist Raphael Mechoulam who first dis­cov­ered THC in 1964. Sil­ver adds an impor­tant per­spec­tive to the dia­logue. As a skilled gar­den­er (and for­mer gar­den edi­tor of Sun­set Mag­a­zine), she cleans up inac­cu­ra­cies around its cul­ti­va­tion caused by 100 years of pro­hi­bi­tion (like call­ing indi­vid­ual types strains ” a term used for bac­te­ria and virus­es rather than cul­ti­vars ” as in the rest of the plant world). Filled with humor and truth-seek­ing — two core Jew­ish val­ues — Sil­ver is the per­fect per­son to give these instructions. 

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