
Habi­tats: Pri­vate Lives in the Big City

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013

There may be eight mil­lion sto­ries in the Naked City, but there are also near­ly three mil­lion dwelling places, rang­ing from Park Avenue palaces to Dick­en­sian gar­rets and encom­pass­ing much in between. The door­ways to these res­i­dences are tan­ta­liz­ing por­tals open­ing onto large­ly invis­i­ble lives. Habi­tats offers 40 vivid and inti­mate sto­ries about how New York­ers real­ly live in their brown­stones, their apart­ments, their man­sions, their lofts, their shoe­box­es, and as a whole presents a rich, mul­ti­tex­tured por­trait of what it means to make a home in the world’s most var­ied and pow­er­ful city.

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