The author sets the tone of this book by talking about prayer, first about all religions and then specifically about what makes Jewish prayer special. She emphasizes that “the most important thing is to pray from the heart.” Prayers, the author says, are “what give us strength to make our dreams come true, conquer our fears and make the world a better place.” She proceeds to show us twenty-three shortened prayers. They are presented in Hebrew, in transliteration and in English. They range from morning prayers, to thank you prayers, to prayers to help when you feel homesick. There are even prayers to remember family members who are no longer with us. At the end of the book there is a place for children to write their own secret prayers.
Additionally, children are encouraged to draw pictures. Near the congratulatory prayer, there is space for a youngster to draw a picture of him- or herself celebrating with friends. Near the blessing over the Shabbat candles, the reader can color in the Shabbat table with its wine, challot and candlesticks. The “Sweet Dream” prayer leaves space for a child to draw him- or herself saying the good night Sh’ma.
Colorfully illustrated, this book is a valuable resource for parents and teachers to use to teach the concept of prayer and many of the prayers themselves. Recommended for children ages 4 to 10.