
How to Share an Egg: A True Sto­ry of Hunger, Love, and Plenty

  • Review
By – January 27, 2025

Hunger, the prover­bial wolf at the door, is a uni­ver­sal expe­ri­ence. Eat­ing may keep the beast at bay but it doesn’t tame it; calo­ries alone can nour­ish the body, but not the mind and soul. For many with PTSD, includ­ing Holo­caust sur­vivors, food can be an incom­plete escape into a more sta­ble life. In How to Share an Egg—a nar­ra­tive that inter­weaves the author’s own sto­ry with that of her Holo­caust-sur­vivor father, Saul — Bon­ny Reichert explores how iden­ti­ty and trau­ma can be pre­served and trans­mut­ed across gen­er­a­tions. Saul’s mem­o­ries of suf­fer­ing and sus­te­nance feed Reichert’s hunger for under­stand­ing, tikkun (repair), and healing.

This book begins in 1945 with Saul on the brink of star­va­tion after his recent lib­er­a­tion from the Flossen­bürg con­cen­tra­tion camp (pre­ced­ed by impris­on­ment in the Lodz Ghet­to, Auschwitz-Birke­nau, and Sach­sen­hausen). This moment anchors the inter­gen­er­a­tional trau­ma that Bon­ny explores through­out this book. Although her child­hood in Edmon­ton, Cana­da could be described as genial, that would deny the pro­found dark­ness that she strug­gles with. 

Through her for­ties, Reichert finds it dif­fi­cult to talk to her par­ents about the Holo­caust … as well also her own needs and emo­tions. After fin­ish­ing culi­nary school, she starts work­ing as a food writer and finds a way to tap into her own voice and con­fi­dence as she shares sto­ries about what food means to peo­ple. Final­ly giv­ing in to the wolf howl­ing at her door, Reichert decides to cook cholent for the first time. Cholent is one of Saul’s favorite child­hood dish­es, and he hasn’t tast­ed it since before the war. Reichert is sur­prised at how quick­ly a bite of this stew unlocks her dad’s mem­o­ry, inspir­ing him to share more about his child­hood and dish­es he has nev­er spo­ken to her about. Prepar­ing these dish­es begins a slow, cathar­tic ther­a­peu­tic process that alle­vi­ates the bur­dens that both Bon­ny and Saul have been car­ry­ing alone for far too long. 

How to Share an Egg is a jour­ney of sur­vival and self-empow­er­ment. It is a mem­oir that explores how under­stand­ing pota­toes and borscht (and your­self!) can heal inter­gen­er­a­tional trauma.

Avery Robin­son is a Jew­ish non­prof­it pro­fes­sion­al liv­ing in Brook­lyn. In his spare time, he free­lances as an edi­tor, culi­nary his­to­ri­an, cofounder of the cli­mate change non­prof­it Rye Revival, and man­ag­er of Black Roost­er Foods. His writ­ings have appeared in Mar­gin­a­lia Review of BooksJerusalem PostTablet­Mag, and The For­ward.

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