
How to Suc­ceed in Busi­ness with­out Real­ly Crying

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

For many years, tele­vi­sion com­e­dy was an exclu­sive all boys’ club — until come­di­an Car­ol Leifer came along, blaz­ing a trail for fun­ny women every­where. From Late Night with David Let­ter­man and Sat­ur­day Night Live to Sein­feld, The Ellen Show, and Mod­ern Fam­i­ly, Car­ol has writ­ten for and per­formed on some of the best TV come­dies of all time.

This hilar­i­ous col­lec­tion of essays charts her extra­or­di­nary three-decade jour­ney through show busi­ness, illu­mi­nat­ing her many tri­umphs and some mis­steps along the way — and offer­ing valu­able lessons for women and men in any pro­fes­sion. Part mem­oir, part guide to life, and all incred­i­bly fun­ny, How to Suc­ceed in Busi­ness with­out Real­ly Cry­ing offers tips and tricks for get­ting ahead, find­ing your way, and open­ing locked doors — even if you have to use a sledgehammer.

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