
I Car­ry My Mother

  • From the Publisher
January 5, 2015

I Car­ry My Moth­er is a book-length cycle of poems that explores a daughter’s jour­ney through her mother’s ill­ness and death. From diag­no­sis through yahrtzeit (one-year anniver­sary), the nar­ra­tor grap­ples with what it means to lose a moth­er. The poems, writ­ten in a vari­ety of forms (son­net, pan­toum, vil­lanelle, ses­ti­na, terza rima, haiku, and oth­ers) are fine­ly craft­ed, com­plete­ly acces­si­ble, and full of star­tling, poignant, and pow­er­ful imagery. These poems will res­o­nant with all who have lost a par­ent, rel­a­tive, spouse, friend, or any­one whom they dear­ly love.

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