Edited by two Holocaust educators, Amanda Friedeman and Kelley Szany, Interrupted Lives is a collection of nine short autobiographies assembled from interviews with people who survived the Holocaust as children. Starting from the sobering premise that young readers will have few opportunities to learn from these individuals in the future, the book aims to condense their memoirs into an accessible form, and to also include basic information that may not be familiar. Text boxes responding to such questions as “What was Auschwitz”? “What was Kristallnacht?” and “What Was Vichy France?” are a pointed reminder of the continuing need for carefully presented information about this era.
Each one of the nine chapters introduces its subject with basic facts, including the date and place of their birth, and their Holocaust experience, date of liberation, and date of immigration to the United States. A subtitle captures the central theme of the person’s life. For example, Ruth Stern, who was born in Berlin in 1931 and arrived in Chicago in 1941, was forced to learn how to “Adapt to Survive.” Like several of the survivors’ stories, Ruth’s included a series of attempts at finding refuge. Her family left Germany for Antwerp, hoping they would be safe there, only to seek temporary shelter in France before their final departure for the United States. An earlier attempt to obtain US visas had been rejected, as were their applications for asylum in England, Australia, and New Zealand. Even when emigration from Europe was still possible for some Jews, doors around the world closed against them.
At the conclusion of each autobiography, Friedeman and Szany provide a specific lesson. Discussing with middle-grade readers the arbitrary events that resulted in either life or death is challenging. In the case of Barney Sidler, a survivor of both the Częstochowa forced labor camp and Buchenwald, the lesson appended is “Try to Be Optimistic in Life.” Sidler’s brutal imprisonment culminates in liberation. While his optimism played a role in his adaptation to “unimaginable hardships,” the assertion that it was part of the reason he survived would not be literally true. This, and other, lessons in the book, offer a good starting point for conversations with children about the different meanings of survival. After the war, Sidler’s ability to remember his past while looking forward to the future allowed him to adjust emotionally.
Judy Straus’s German Jewish family was one of many who believed that Holland would be a safe environment. When the Nazis occupied that country, she and her family were sent to the Westerbork transit camp, and from there were deported to Theresienstadt. Her detailed description of the horrific conditions in this supposedly “model” camp are vivid. Straus remembers that, although he was forbidden from bringing any possessions with her, she kept one book, in which she proudly inscribed her name. She kept that book for the rest of her life. Not until the age of sixty-six did Judy begin to publicly speak about her experiences during the Holocaust. Her lesson is “Fight for Your Life,” which also applies to her lifelong commitment to democracy and voting. Her narrative reveals how keeping that one book inscribed with her name represented a fight as well.
This highly recommended book includes a glossary of important terms.
Emily Schneider writes about literature, feminism, and culture for Tablet, The Forward, The Horn Book, and other publications, and writes about children’s books on her blog. She has a Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures.