
It Could Be Worse

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

It Could Be Worse is an evoca­tive sto­ry about accep­tance and awak­en­ing — but not nec­es­sar­i­ly for­give­ness — that reminds us we can choose how our sto­ries end.

Mired in self-doubt and blind loy­al­ty, Alle­gra Gil sus­pects her charmed life may be a gild­ed cage. She has a devot­ed Jew­ish Cuban hus­band, Ben­i­to, two lov­ing chil­dren, a thriv­ing ther­a­py prac­tice, and life­long friends. But when a dis­cov­ery in a piano bench reveals a shock­ing fam­i­ly secret, Alle­gra ques­tions every­thing she thought she knew about the two peo­ple who raised her. Was it true? Did her father, a respect­ed pedi­atric neu­ro­sur­geon, harm instead of heal? And Allegra’s moth­er — how much did she know?

As the past threat­ens the present, Alle­gra plays the song of what was, what is, and what may nev­er be. Com­posed with the cadence of a waltz through flash­backs to child­hood mem­o­ries in Mia­mi and a music camp in Michi­gan, It Could Be Worse is a multi­gen­er­a­tional sto­ry of a woman sup­port­ed and embraced by many while shak­en to the core by a few.

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