Jordan is a 13-year-old boy living in the Israeli town of Keshet is a unique community on the banks of the Jordan river in which a select group of babies are chosen by the matriarch of the town, Miss Sara, who names them and helps them realize their unique powers. What develops is a band of young Jewish Israeli superheroes, each with a special power resulting from a connection to one aspect of nature. This band uses its powers to stop a golem created by the local villain. Teen mischief is intertwined with Jewish expres- sions and Israeli geography, giving this novel an underlying Jewish flavor in a fast paced mystery. Although at times, as in the introduc- tion of an exfoliator as a possible way to erase a mark, it is obvious that the book is written by an adult female for a young audience, this small flaw can be forgiven because there are exciting cliffhangers, authentic pre-teen dialogue and lots of wild imagination.
Recommended for ages 9 – 13.