Sociologist and social critic Keith Kahn-Harris offers an overview of Judaism. This brief book looks at religious beliefs, culture, history, and what it means to be Jewish in today’s world. A short introduction attempts to explain who is a Jew and offers an outline of the rest of the book. The chapters that follow look at Jewish time, living Jewishly, anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, and Israel. An appendix offers one hundred ideas: references to books and movies about Judaism. Notes provide references for further information. Since the author is British, some of the cultural icons mentioned will be unfamiliar to Americans, but everyone now knows Sacha Baron-Cohen. This is a useful book for quick answers to questions and for those seeking an introduction to Judaism.

Judaism: All That Matters
- Review
– July 2, 2013
Barbara M. Bibel is a librarian at the Oakland Public Library in Oakland, CA; and at Congregation Netivot Shalom, Berkeley, CA.
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