
Just Between Us: Moth­er and Son: A No-Stress, No-Rules Journal

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019
Want to know how to raise a men­sch? Mered­ith Jacobs is back, with a new edi­tion to the best­selling jour­nal series Just Between Us — for moms and their sons. This thought­ful keep­sake jour­nal is the per­fect place for a moth­er and son to share sto­ries and dreams, hopes and fears. Advice, guide­lines, and prompts by author Mered­ith Jacobs and her son pave the way to dis­cussing every­thing excit­ing and scary about grow­ing up — from friend­ships and school to pos­i­tive mas­culin­i­ty. With plen­ty of free space to write about what­ev­er’s on their minds and fun pages for draw­ing pic­tures and mak­ing lists, this jour­nal will open the lines of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and help strength­en moth­er-son rela­tion­ships. Writ­ten by a moth­er (Mered­ith Jacobs, the award-win­ning coau­thor of the Just Between Us series) and her son, Jules Jacobs.

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