
Killer Ambi­tion

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013

When the daugh­ter of a bil­lion­aire Hol­ly­wood direc­tor is found mur­dered after what appears to be a kid­nap­ping gone wrong, Los Ange­les Spe­cial Tri­als pros­e­cu­tor Rachel Knight and Detec­tive Bai­ley Keller find them­selves at the epi­cen­ter of a com­bustible and high-pro­file court case. Then a prime sus­pect is revealed to be one of Hol­ly­wood’s most pop­u­lar and pow­er­ful tal­ent man­agers – and best friend to the vic­tim’s father. With the direc­tor vouch­ing for the man­ager’s inno­cence, the Hol­ly­wood media machine com­mences an all-out war designed to dis­cred­it both Rachel and her case. Killer Ambi­tion is at once a thrilling ride through the dark­er side of Tin­sel­town and a stun­ning court­room dra­ma with the bril­liant insid­er’s per­spec­tive that Mar­cia Clark is unique­ly qual­i­fied to give.

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