
Last Song Before Night

  • From the Publisher
February 29, 2016

Her name was Kim­bralin Amaris­toth: sis­ter to a cru­el broth­er, daugh­ter of a hate­ful fam­i­ly. But that name she has for­sworn, and now she is sim­ply Lin, a musi­cian and lyri­cist of uncom­mon abil­i­ty in a land where women are for­bid­den to answer such callings‑a fugi­tive who must con­ceal her iden­ti­ty or risk impris­on­ment and even death.

On the eve of a great fes­ti­val, Lin learns that an ancient scourge has returned to the land of Eivar, a pan­dem­ic both dead­ly and unnat­ur­al. Its resur­gence brings with it the mem­o­ry of an apoc­a­lypse that trans­formed half a con­ti­nent. Long ago, mag­ic was every­where, ris­ing from artis­tic expres­sion-from song, from verse, from sto­ries. But in Eivar, where poets once wove enchant­ments from their words and harps, the pow­er was lost. For­bid­den exper­i­ments in blood div­ina­tion unleashed the plague that is remem­bered as the Red Death, killing thou­sands before it was stopped, and Eivar’s con­nec­tion to the Oth­er­world from which all enchant­ment flowed, broken.

The Red Death’s return can mean only one thing: some­one is spilling inno­cent blood in order to mas­ter dark mag­ic. Now poets who thought only to gain fame for their songs face a chal­lenge much greater: gal­va­nized by Valanir Ocune, great­est Seer of the age, Lin and sev­er­al oth­ers set out to reclaim their lega­cy and reopen the way to the Otherworld‑a quest that will test their deep­est desires, imper­il their lives, and decide the future.

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