
Last Twi­light in Paris

  • From the Publisher
January 13, 2024

Lon­don, 1953Louise is still adjust­ing to her post­war role as a house­wife when she dis­cov­ers a neck­lace in a box at a sec­ond­hand shop. The box is marked with the name of a depart­ment store in Paris, and she is cer­tain she has seen the neck­lace before worked with the Red Cross in Nazi-occu­pied Europe —and that it holds the key to the mys­te­ri­ous death of her friend Fran­ny dur­ing the war. 
Fol­low­ing the trail of clues to Paris, Louise seeks help from her for­mer boss Ian, with whom she shares a roman­tic his­to­ry. The neck­lace leads them to dis­cov­er the dark his­to­ry of Lévi­tan — a once-glam­orous depart­ment store that served as a Nazi prison, and Helaine, a woman who was impris­oned there, torn apart from her hus­band when the Ger­mans invad­ed France.
Louise races to find the con­nec­tion between the neck­lace, the depart­ment store and Franny’s death. But noth­ing is as it seems, and there are forces deter­mined to keep the truth buried for­ev­er. Inspired by the true sto­ry of Lévi­tan, Last Twi­light in Paris is both a grip­ping mys­tery and an unfor­get­table sto­ry about sac­ri­fice, resis­tance and the pow­er of love to tran­scend in even the dark­est hours.

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