
Leav­ing Bacon Behind: A How to Guide to Jew­ish Conversion

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Leav­ing Bacon Behind pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive, easy-to-read guide for con­ver­sion that focus­es on ques­tions prospec­tive Jews by Choice might have, includ­ing Why should one con­vert to Judaism?” and What hap­pens after the con­ver­sion?” 

This includes con­tent dis­cussed in Judaism con­ver­sion class­es and live cours­es, as well as ques­tions, com­ments, and feed­back from prospec­tive and suc­cess­ful Jews by Choice. No oth­er book on Jew­ish con­ver­sion has incor­po­rat­ed widescale, peer-reviewed feed­back from the tar­get com­mu­ni­ty.

As the author does not fit the stereo­type of an able-bod­ied, mid­dle-class, white het­ero­sex­u­al female con­vert­ing for mar­riage, this book includes a sec­tion of addi­tion­al con­sid­er­a­tions for con­vert­ing on a bud­get, if one is LGBT, dis­abled, or non-white, if one is already mar­ried to a non-Jew, or if one already has children.

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