
Life Begins at 60

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Dr. Frie­da Birn­baum rose to fame sev­en years ago when she gave birth to twin boys via in vit­ro fer­til­iza­tion (IVF) at the age of 60. In this can­did mem­oir, she sheds light on what it’s real­ly like to raise twins in your 60s. To crit­ics who said she’d be too tired, she explains that she has a new lease on life; at an age where many peo­ple think they should slow down, she’s empow­ered, not just to keep up with her boys, but also when it comes to her roles as a psy­chother­a­pist, wife, moth­er, and her rela­tion­ship to her­self. Above all, Birn­baum explains, women should not fear grow­ing old­er. It’s pos­si­ble to look and feel fab­u­lous and glam­orous in our 60s and beyond. Hav­ing chil­dren lat­er in life allowed her to build a career first, some­thing she believes had pos­i­tive effects on self-esteem as well as being vital to the mar­riage rela­tion­ship. As more women choose to give birth lat­er in life, Birn­baum explains what it’s real­ly like and why it can be a sat­is­fy­ing choice.

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