
Life­Jour­ney Books Do-It-Your­self Mem­oir Workbook

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
Life­Jour­ney Books Do-It-Your­self Autobiography/​Memoir Work­book” is a user-friend­ly kit for pro­duc­ing your own Autobiography/​Autobiography/​Memoir. After you answer all 309 ques­tions, com­plete the orig­i­nal exer­cis­es (includ­ing our orig­i­nal Piv­otal Life Events Time­line, Fam­i­ly Trees and Eth­i­cal Will that both dis­cov­ers and shares core life val­ues), after you are chal­lenged and cheered on by hun­dreds of Today’s Tips,” Quick Quotes” and Life-Bits,” you will emerge from the process with a com­plet­ed Autobiography/​Memoir to set your fam­i­ly straight on the true sto­ry of your life. But pre­pare to be sur­prised by an immense bonus from this LifeSto­ry-telling process: a brand new sense of self-aware­ness and under­stand­ing of your own Life­Jour­ney. Whether you com­plete the Work­book on your own, or with a spouse, a child, a grand­child or an aide, or with a group, every­thing you need is right here in these pages. Note: The ques­tions and exer­cis­es were ini­tial­ly devel­oped for our Life­Jour­ney Books Autobiography/​Memoir Boot Camps” giv­en across New Eng­land, Flori­da and in Israel. What we dis­cov­ered along the way is that today’s Jew­ish seniors (and a sur­pris­ing num­ber of baby boomers) are wak­ing up to the val­ue of their own LifeSto­ries to their fam­i­lies and to them­selves. No won­der Life­Jour­ney Books’ mot­to is Because Some Things Just Can’t Wait.” 

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