
Lift and Separate

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

Lift and Sep­a­rate is about a Jew­ish moth­er of three grown chil­dren whose hus­band of thir­ty-three years — the inim­itable and charis­mat­ic Har­vey Ham­mer — leaves her for a fit­ting mod­el he met at his brassiere empire. Find­ing her­self in the 10-items-or-less sec­tion of the super­mar­ket for the first time in her life, Mar­cy braves fam­i­ly wed­dings, divid­ed loy­al­ties, and the news that Harvey’s young girl­friend is preg­nant with his baby. On top of that, Marcy’s moth­er is in the hos­pi­tal and her daugh­ter is hav­ing an affair with a mar­ried man. At the hos­pi­tal Mar­cy recon­nects with Can­dy an acquain­tance from her past, who is also car­ing for a par­ent. The two women become best friends con­fid­ing every­thing in one anoth­er until Mar­cy dis­cov­ers that the mar­ried doc­tor her daugh­ter is sleep­ing with hap­pens to be Candy’s hus­band. For­tu­nate­ly Mar­cy grows to real­ize she’s not as alone as she thought she was. She’s got great chil­dren who love her friends she can lean on and a thou­sand bras. She pulls her­self up by her lacy straps and finds a way to begin again.

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