
Lil­li Chernofsky

  • From the Publisher
April 3, 2018

Europe is in flames Nazis are at the gates of the city and the Cher­nof­sky fam­i­ly’s only chance for escape rests firm­ly on the slim shoul­ders of sev­en­teen-year-old Lil­li. With war at their doorstep Lil­li Cher­nof­sky flees Lithua­nia with her broth­er Aaron and a group of yeshi­va stu­dents. Along with oth­er Jew­ish refugees Lil­li makes a home in the ghet­tos of Shang­hai. Though they man­aged to escape the hor­ror in Europe they are now faced with star­va­tion sub­hu­man con­di­tions and vio­lence at the hands of Japan­ese sol­diers in Shang­hai. Lil­li Cher­nof­sky pro­vides a por­tal to his­to­ry a glimpse into the lives of ordi­nary peo­ple in trag­ic circumstances.

The mys­tery of who peo­ple real­ly are, what they will do in adver­si­ty sur­vive hon­or­ably or by betray­ing oth­ers is at the nov­el­’s heart, but it is young Lil­li’s star­tling meta­mor­pho­sis from shel­tered teen to unwa­ver­ing hero­ine that is its cri de coeur.

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