
Liv­ing Well Despite Adver­si­ty: Inspi­ra­tion for Find­ing Renewed Mean­ing and Joy in Your Life

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

In this col­lec­tion of inter­views, thir­ty six peo­ple have open­ly and deeply shared their sto­ries of heart­break and the secrets they dis­cov­ered that led them to tri­umph despite it all’. The wis­dom and insight revealed out of the depths of loss and pain will strength­en and inspire all. Themes such as spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, grat­i­tude, mean­ing and pur­pose, and resilience are high­light­ed as cru­cial towards cop­ing and grow­ing beyond. Belief in G‑d, a high­er pow­er and {over­all} faith are strong ingre­di­ents among many of the inter­vie­wees. The Jew­ish con­cept of chizuk — strength and strength of char­ac­ter- is per­son­i­fied through­out and is sure to be an out­come of read­ing this book. As Judaism val­ues life above all, this book points to liv­ing a good life above and beyond our harsh­est cir­cum­stances and pain.

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