
Lone Sol­dier

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Lone Sol­dier is a a breath­tak­ing tale of romance, mis­tak­en iden­ti­ty, war, and pol­i­tics set against the back­drop of the ten­sion between the U.S. and Israel from 1969 — 1974. Part mil­i­tary thriller and part star-crossed love sto­ry, Lone Sol­dier cen­ters around actu­al his­tor­i­cal events tak­ing read­ers through a mov­ing sprawl­ing epic span­ning a range of social issues and fas­ci­nat­ing char­ac­ters. What emerges is the por­trait of one man, Arik Meir, a hero for his time and his love for Dahlia. These two young peo­ple want noth­ing more than to be togeth­er, but they are over­tak­en by events that are beyond their control. 

Lone Sol­dier not only brings this mes­mer­iz­ing peri­od to life, but it also high­lights some­thing that human­i­ty is still bat­tling against today: prej­u­dice in all its forms. With a decid­ed­ly Jew­ish theme, it will appeal to read­ers of all faiths. To those of the Mod­ern Ortho­dox Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty, Lone Sol­dier is a mir­ror; and to those who are not it’s a win­dow into this fas­ci­nat­ing and impor­tant culture.

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