
Mah Jongg Mon­days: A Mem­oir About Friend­ship, Love and Faith

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Join Fern and a col­or­ful cast of char­ac­ters in her debut mem­oir titled Mah Jongg Mon­days. Fern, mar­ried and the moth­er of three boys, takes us into her mod­ern mid­dle-class sub­ur­ban Long Island world where one day she gets the Big Idea” to learn the Chi­nese tile game called mah jongg. Week­ly games pro­vide the set­ting for deep-seed­ed friend­ships to form around the mah jongg table. These Mon­day gath­er­ings become a source of sup­port and strength for Fern as her hus­band is diag­nosed with can­cer. Fear, inse­cu­ri­ty and poten­tial heart-wrench­ing loss become chal­lenges she must over­come. The author weaves the themes of des­tiny, faith, friend­ship, time and love through­out the sto­ry. Fern takes us on her jour­ney around the mah jongg table, east­ward to the sea­port town of Green­port and through her husband’s bat­tle with can­cer as she relies on faith, friend­ship, and her per­son­al rela­tion­ship with God. Read this heart­warm­ing sto­ry about the won­der­ful things that can hap­pen when five women are des­tined to come togeth­er to play an old Chi­nese game, sit­ting around a table with 152 tiles, dice and a mah jongg card. Love always; love all ways, for time has no guarantees.

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