
Man­u­al For Liv­ing, Book 2: Con­nec­tion — A User’s Guide to the Mean­ing of Life

  • From the Publisher
March 6, 2012
Man­u­al For Liv­ing: Con­nec­tion is a thought-pro­vok­ing, soul­ful inquiry. Award-win­ning author and two-time can­cer sur­vivor Seth David Cher­noff guides us through a series of ques­tions, ask­ing why we think what we think and do what we do in rela­tion­ship to our own life, oth­ers in our imme­di­ate envi­ron­ment, and human­i­ty at large. 

Writ­ten in easy to under­stand lan­guage with con­tem­po­rary, prac­ti­cal exam­ples, Con­nec­tion shows us that our life is much grander than our cir­cum­stances; it is a gift filled with choic­es. We come to see oth­ers and our­selves through the lens of com­pas­sion and one­ness. By choos­ing full engage­ment in the present moment, denial, excus­es and regrets nat­u­ral­ly drop away. The process requires only an open mind and open heart. The infor­ma­tion pre­sent­ed steers each of us toward an inner com­pass and unique path to view life’s chal­lenges in a new way. Cher­noff illu­mi­nates a path­way for full aware­ness in each moment as an act of love, com­pas­sion, and joy – as a means to achieve inner and out­er peace. Cher­noff writes, We for­get that life is so quick­ly over and that liv­ing in the moment does not allow time for regret.” Con­nec­tion is for any­one seek­ing true hap­pi­ness and ful­fill­ment.

Discussion Questions