
Mar­go Zim­mer­man Gets the Girl

  • From the Publisher
May 31, 2021

The most delight­ful­ly snarky romance I’ve read this year.” —New York Times best­selling author Ash­ley Poston 

This charm­ing YA rom-com fol­lows Mar­go, who sud­den­ly real­izes that she’s gay but has no clue how to express her iden­ti­ty, so she enlists out-and-proud Abbie to act as her tutor on every­thing Queer 101”…and first love.
Mar­go Zim­mer­man is gay, but she didn’t know until now. An over­achiev­er at heart, Mar­go is deter­mined to ace her new­ly dis­cov­ered gay­ness. All she needs is the right tutor.
Abbie Sokoloff has her own gay­ness down to a sci­ence. But a flunk­ing grade in US His­to­ry is threat­en­ing her accep­tance to her dream school. All she needs is the right tutor.
Mar­go agrees to help Abbie get her his­to­ry grade up in exchange for Queer 101” lessons. But as they spend more and more time togeth­er, Mar­go real­izes she doesn’t want just any girl — she wants the girl.

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