
Match Made in Man­hat­tan: A Novel

  • From the Publisher
June 6, 2017
After two intense dead-end rela­tion­ships ser­i­al monogamist Ali­son finds her­self con­fused lone­ly and dras­ti­cal­ly out of touch with the world of mod­ern dat­ing. Refus­ing to wal­low she signs up for Match​.com and resolves to remain open-mind­ed and opti­mistic as she explores the New York City sin­gles’ scene. With the click of a but­ton her adven­tures begin: On one date she’s dumped before the first kiss; on anoth­er she receives intel from an under­cov­er agent who tracks ille­gal exot­ic ani­mals. She dons full HAZ­MAT gear on a third date; on anoth­er meets a tat­tooed folk singer turned invest­ment banker; and quick­ly finds she’s a bet­ter match with anoth­er date’s mom! Giv­ing them all her sig­na­ture Pants Speech — her pants aren’t com­ing off unless she has a real con­nec­tion with some­one — she des­per­ate­ly wants to push past the awk­ward small-talk phase to find true love but find­ing The One is start­ing to feel impos­si­ble. That is until Luke who is sophis­ti­cat­ed fun­ny and not to men­tion hot. Ali­son finds her­self falling for Luke hard­er than any guy she’s dat­ed and final­ly let­ting her walls down — but will he stick around or move on to his next match? Match Made in Man­hat­tan is a fast-paced con­tem­po­rary sto­ry about the strug­gles of dat­ing in the dig­i­tal age. Replete with online pro­files wit­ty dia­logue and a super-sup­port­ive group of female friends this all-too-real and relat­able debut nov­el will have read­ers laugh­ing cry­ing and root­ing for Ali­son all the way to the end.

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