
Matzah Ball Blues

  • From the Publisher
December 12, 2023

Why is this night dif­fer­ent from all oth­er nights?

For starters, Jared Leiman is home for the hol­i­days. Because though he and Car­o­line Weiss were high school sweet­hearts, their post­col­lege lives took them in dif­fer­ent direc­tions. Jared became a big-time enter­tain­ment lawyer in LA, while Car­o­line became a fit­ness instruc­tor and stayed in town to care for her sick moth­er. And though her moth­er passed away three years ago, Car­o­line is final­ly free to go where she choos­es. Mean­while Jared, who inher­it­ed cus­tody of his baby niece after a trag­ic acci­dent, is sud­den­ly a fam­i­ly man.

So now Car­o­line wants to leave her home­town in the dust, where­as Jared might just set up roots there. Because there is one thing that Brow­erville, New Jer­sey, offers the two of them that no oth­er place does…each oth­er!

From Har­le­quin Spe­cial Edi­tion: Believe in love. Over­come obsta­cles. Find hap­pi­ness.

Hol­i­days, Heart and Chutz­pah
Book 1: Home for the Chal­lah Days
Book 2: Matzah Ball Blues

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