
Meg Gold­berg on Parade

  • Review
May 18, 2015

It’s time for the annu­al Israel parade in New York City. The entire Gold­berg fam­i­ly trav­els into Man­hat­tan to watch. From behind the bar­ri­cades, lit­tle Meg Gold­berg imag­ines actu­al­ly being part of the parade — from march­ing with the may­or, to play­ing the bag­pipes, to being crowned Grand Mar­shal. There’s not a whole lot to the sto­ry, which takes place large­ly in Meg’s head. But the boun­cy, rhyming cou­plets are appeal­ing and the illus­tra­tions are bright and hap­py; it cap­tures the fla­vor and gives a nice salute to the year­ly event.

Rec­om­mend­ed for ages 3 – 8.

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