
Mir­i’s Mov­ing Day

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Miri will miss the Chi­nese lions in front of her apart­ment build­ing that was always tak­en care of her. What will hap­pen to her now that it’s mov­ing day? For­tu­nate­ly, Zayde, her Jew­ish grand­fa­ther, and Yeh Yeh, her Chi­nese grand­fa­ther, have some sur­pris­es to help her feel at home in her new apart­ment. There are no stone lions to guard your new apart­ment build­ing, but you can hang this mezuzah at your door,” says Yeh Yeh, pre­sent­ing her with a beau­ti­ful mezuzah. Zayde also has a gift for Miri, two small stone lions to remind her of the Chi­nese lions she left behind.

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