
Mixed Match­es: How to Cre­ate Suc­cess­ful Inter­ra­cial, Intereth­nic, and Inter­faith Relationships

Joel Crohn
  • From the Publisher
October 6, 2011
Mixed match­es are more com­pli­cat­ed rela­tion­ships than those between peo­ple from sim­i­lar back­grounds. For even when part­ners don’t feel a strong iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with their racial, reli­gious, or cul­tur­al groups, they dis­cov­er that their loy­al­ty to the past goes deep­er than they real­ized. Psy­chother­a­pist Joel Crohn has learned that how part­ners nego­ti­ate their cul­tur­al and reli­gious dif­fer­ences is as impor­tant as what the dif­fer­ence are. Dr. Crohn also offers prac­ti­cal advice on how cou­ples can con­front prej­u­dice and stereo­types, deal with in-laws, and help chil­dren achieve a sense of iden­ti­ty in a bicul­tur­al family.

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