
My Thir­ty-First Year (And Oth­er Calamities)

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

On her thir­ti­eth birth­day, Yale-edu­cat­ed Zoe Greene was sup­posed to be mar­ried to her high-school sweet­heart, preg­nant with the first baby, and prac­tic­ing law in Chica­go. Instead, she’s plan­ning an abor­tion and fil­ing for divorce. Zoe wants to under­stand why her plans failed – and to move on, have sex, and date while there’s still time. As she nav­i­gates dys­func­tion­al penis­es, a pauci­ty of gram­mat­i­cal­ly cor­rect online dat­ing pro­files, and her par­a­lyz­ing fear of aging alone, she grap­ples with the pres­sure women feel to put oth­ers first. But ulti­mate­ly, her fam­i­ly, friends, faith, incom­pa­ra­ble ther­a­pist, and diary of nev­er-to-be-sent let­ters to her first loves, the rock band U2, help Zoe learn to let go — of society’s con­structs of female hap­pi­ness, and of her own.

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