
Night Owls

  • From the Publisher
September 16, 2023

In this thrilling para­nor­mal YA romance debut steeped in folk­lore, two estries — owl-shift­ing female vam­pires from Jew­ish tra­di­tion — face New York’s mon­strous under­world to save the girl one of them loves with help from the boy one of them fears before they are, all of them, lost forever.

Clara loves rules. Rules are what have kept her and her sis­ter, Mol­ly, alive — or, rather, undead — for over a cen­tu­ry. Work their his­toric movie the­ater by day. Shift into an owl under the cov­er of night. Feed on men in secret. And nev­er fall in love.

Mol­ly is in love. And she’s tired of keep­ing her girl­friend, Anat, a secret. If Clara won’t agree to bend their rules a lit­tle, then she will bend them herself.

Boaz is cursed. He can’t walk two city blocks with­out being cor­nered by some­thing undead. At least at work at the the­ater, he gets to flirt with Clara, wish­ing she would like him back.

When Anat van­ish­es and New York’s mon­strous under­world emerges from the shad­ows, Clara sus­pects Boaz, their annoy­ing­ly cute box office atten­dant, might be behind it all.

But if they are to find Anat, they will need to work togeth­er to face demons and the hungers they would soon­er bury. Clara will have to break all her rules — of love, of life, and of death itself — before her rules break every­one she loves.

In this stand-alone debut, A. R. Vish­ny inter­weaves mys­tery, romance, and lore to cre­ate an unput­down­able sto­ry about those who have kept to the shad­ows for far too long.

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