
No Road Lead­ing Back: An Improb­a­ble Escape from the Nazis in a Place Called Ponar, and the Tan­gled Way We Tell the Sto­ry of the Holocaust

By – August 30, 2024

This out­stand­ing book by Chris Heath, an award-win­ning British jour­nal­ist, recounts a series of dev­as­tat­ing events that took place in the forests of Ponar, Lithua­nia in 1941. At that time, 70,000 Jews were round­ed up by the Nazis, shot, and dumped in pits over the course of a few days. But after com­plet­ing this hor­rif­ic mass mur­der, the Nazis became ner­vous that the advanc­ing Sovi­et troops would dis­cov­er the evi­dence. Three years lat­er, in 1944, they forced eighty enslaved Jew­ish men to per­form the gris­ly task of exhum­ing the rot­ting corpses and burn­ing them in huge pyres in order to con­ceal the orig­i­nal deed. 

But Heath’s research does not end there. His book peels back yet anoth­er lay­er of the Ponar sto­ry, one in which twelve of the eighty men found the imag­i­na­tion and for­ti­tude to escape — and to tell the tale of the hor­rors they endured. Their breath­tak­ing escape — which involved using spoons and their bare hands to dig a tun­nel, despite being guard­ed twen­ty-four hours a day — will inspire schol­ars and every­day read­ers alike. 

No Road Lead­ing Back includes first-per­son accounts from escapees and their wit­ness­es. Heath sifts through doc­u­ments, diaries, and oth­er per­son­al tes­ti­monies to work through con­tra­dic­tions and dis­crep­an­cies and reveal the truth. He argues that uncom­fort­able his­tor­i­cal truths often remain buried because of a lack of hon­esty among the per­pe­tra­tors, and he blames Lithua­nia for not own­ing up to its war crimes.

With this book, the vic­tims of Ponar are final­ly giv­en the atten­tion it deserves. As Heath puts it, There can often be a great dis­tance between speak­ing out and being heard.” This pow­er­ful book will enable the world to listen.

Lin­da F. Burghardt is a New York-based jour­nal­ist and author who has con­tributed com­men­tary, break­ing news, and fea­tures to major news­pa­pers across the U.S., in addi­tion to hav­ing three non-fic­tion books pub­lished. She writes fre­quent­ly on Jew­ish top­ics and is now serv­ing as Schol­ar-in-Res­i­dence at the Holo­caust Memo­r­i­al & Tol­er­ance Cen­ter of Nas­sau County.

Discussion Questions

Chris Heath artis­ti­cal­ly unrav­els the com­plex strands of tes­ti­mo­ny and mem­o­ry sur­round­ing the death pits at Ponar where the Jews of Vil­na were mur­dered in cold blood begin­ning in 1941. In clear and unemo­tion­al lan­guage, he deft­ly rais­es many pro­found issues regard­ing Lithuan­ian par­tic­i­pa­tion in the mass killings and the slight­ly con­tra­dic­to­ry mem­o­ries of the hand­ful of sur­viv­ing Jew­ish escapees from the killing pit. His descrip­tion of the excep­tion­al escape of a hand­ful of Jew­ish pris­on­ers who were des­ig­nat­ed by the Nazis to destroy all evi­dence of the mass mur­ders is mas­ter­ful. By jux­ta­pos­ing the sev­er­al points of view and recall in the post­war tes­ti­monies of the few Ponar sur­vivors of this remark­able feat, as well as issues raised by local wit­ness­es to the atroc­i­ties, Heath engages the read­er in con­fronting cru­cial ques­tions aboutHolo­caust mem­o­ry and memo­ri­al­iza­tion of the tens of thou­sands of Jew­ish vic­tims of the mass shoot­ings at Ponar, as well as the chal­lenges they pose to the writer. His prob­ing queries and con­sid­er­able artistry pro­vide a new lens through which to explore the Holo­caust on the East­ern front.