
Nosh: Plant-For­ward Recipes Cel­e­brat­ing Mod­ern Jew­ish Cuisine

  • Review
By – February 26, 2024

In the cook­book genre, where tra­di­tion meets inno­va­tion, plant-for­ward recipes are a pos­i­tive addi­tion to the diverse land­scape of Jew­ish cook­ing. In Nosh, Mic­ah Siva skill­ful­ly nav­i­gates the inter­sec­tion of plant-for­ward eat­ing and Jew­ish food tra­di­tions, com­bin­ing fla­vors that reflect both Jew­ish food her­itage and con­tem­po­rary dietary trends and pref­er­ences. The visu­al allure of the cook­book is imme­di­ate­ly appar­ent: each recipe is brought to life through stun­ning pho­tographs that enhance the over­all read­ing experience.

In addi­tion to its deli­cious and cre­ative recipes, the book also has an engag­ing intro­duc­tion. Here, Siva express­es her pro­found appre­ci­a­tion for food as a con­duit for tra­di­tion, cul­ture, and com­mu­ni­ty. Influ­enced by her grandmother’s wis­dom, she describes the kitchen as a mag­i­cal space in which love and famil­ial con­nec­tion inter­twine. As the intro unfolds, Siva traces her culi­nary evo­lu­tion from cher­ished child­hood mem­o­ries of learn­ing to cook with fam­i­ly to her for­mal culi­nary edu­ca­tion in the bustling kitchens of New York City.

The cook­book is metic­u­lous­ly orga­nized, offer­ing an array of plant-for­ward recipes that ranges from savory to sweet. Instruc­tions are con­cise and easy to fol­low, ensur­ing an enjoy­able cook­ing expe­ri­ence for sea­soned cooks and new­com­ers alike. The Break­fast & Brunch” sec­tion intro­duces imag­i­na­tive dish­es like car­rot lox” and lemo­ny blintzes, while Soups” presents a fusion of fla­vors in recipes such as turmer­ic veg­etable mat­zo ball soup. Sal­ads, Spreads & Sides” fea­tures inven­tive cre­ations like every­thing bagel fat­toush” sal­ad and veg­an pota­to latkes.

The Mains” sec­tion embraces plant-for­ward options like savory pulled mush­room-and-tofu brisket” and spiced cau­li­flower chraime, putting a con­tem­po­rary twist on clas­sic Jew­ish dish­es. Bak­ing & Desserts” includes a num­ber of irre­sistible recipes, such as kitchen sink man­del­brot and hal­vah pis­ta­chio bab­ka rolls. The cook­book also con­tains entic­ing cock­tail recipes — among them, an olive-and-sumac mar­ti­ni and a date syrup-and-hawaij espres­so martini. 

Plant-For­ward Recipes: Cel­e­brat­ing Mod­ern Jew­ish Cui­sine is a note­wor­thy addi­tion to the Jew­ish cook­book canon. Whether you’re prepar­ing a hol­i­day feast or a quick week­night meal, this cook­book has a plant-for­ward recipe that will fit on your table. 

Kenden Alfond is a psy­chother­a­pist who began Jew­ish Food Hero because she was look­ing to con­nect with oth­er Jew­ish peo­ple who care about healthy food and mod­ern Jew­ish life. Jew­ish Food Hero aims to cre­ate a pos­i­tive com­mu­ni­ty of mem­bers from all over the world who want to bond over recipes and Jew-ish stuff.

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