
One-Heart Rev­o­lu­tion: The Per­ils of Pos­i­tive Think­ing on the Road to Peace

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

As a young child in the Sovi­et satel­lite of Czecho­slo­va­kia, Julia Indi­cho­va — a repro­duc­tive health­care advo­cate and peace activist — grew up in the shad­ow of a shame­ful chap­ter in human his­to­ry. Her old­er broth­er, grand­moth­ers, and aunt had been mur­dered in the Shoah and her par­ents were both con­cen­tra­tion camp sur­vivors. Attempt­ing to come to terms with this trag­ic lega­cy became a cen­tral dri­ving force in her life as did her strug­gles with a diag­no­sis of infer­til­i­ty. The One-Heart Rev­o­lu­tion doc­u­ments a peace-birthing prac­tice that emerged after 9/11 through the two strains of Indichova’s inter­ests: fer­til­i­ty and the desire to under­stand the under­ly­ing caus­es of vio­lence. Shin­ing a light of hope into the gath­er­ing dark­ness of our time, the book is a clar­i­on call to any­one com­pelled to tilt the scale toward a kinder human ecology.

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