
One of Us: Stories

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

One of Us explores char­ac­ters torn between alle­giances to group iden­ti­ties and those they have cre­at­ed for them­selves. Author Justin Tay­lor prais­es this book: Small moments lead to big ques­tions about what it means to be a man, an Amer­i­can, a Jew, or — inevitably — all of these things at once. When we say some­one is One of Us who is the one, and who is the us, and what do they — what do we — owe to each oth­er?” Bernard Mala­mud Prize win­ner Ami­na Gau­ti­er writes in the book’s fore­word, From the silent scorn­ful bul­ly­ing of con­gre­gants who shun a dis­graced fam­i­ly to a young man whose Aryan fea­tures allow him to move through Berlin unmo­lest­ed while he watch­es oth­er Jew­ish coun­try­men round­ed up for the camps to the emer­gence of a lib­er­al community’s latent racism rear­ing its ugly head when zon­ing laws per­mit the inclu­sion of afford­able hous­ing units…these sto­ries chal­lenge the ways we iden­ti­fy in terms of nation, race, class, and reli­gion and ask read­ers to con­sid­er who real­ly belongs.

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