
Orchard House: How a Neglect­ed Gar­den Taught One Fam­i­ly to Grow

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

In an over­grown and neglect­ed gar­den in Seat­tle, a fam­i­ly tries to come togeth­er and mend their bro­ken past. A moth­er, haunt­ed by the dark­ness of her own child­hood, is focused on sur­vival; her daugh­ter longs for grace, for rec­on­cil­i­a­tion, for a brighter future; the grand­chil­dren look for straw­ber­ries, for sweet­ness, for joy. In our gar­dens and in our lives, can we sow the seeds of for­give­ness? Can we learn to love each oth­er bet­ter? In grow­ing food, can we grow togeth­er? These are the ques­tions the Weaver fam­i­ly faces as they try to tame the over­grown gar­den. Inex­orably, as the fruits of their labor begin to flour­ish, green shoots of hope emerge from their dif­fi­cult past. For any­one who has ever plant­ed some­thing they wished would sur­vive — or tried to mend some­thing that seemed for­ev­er bro­ken—Orchard House is a tale of heal­ing and growth, set in the most unlike­ly place.

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