
Pales­tin­ian and Israeli Pub­lic Opin­ion: The Pub­lic Imper­a­tive In The Sec­ond Intifada

Jacob Shamir & Khalil Shikaki
  • Review
By – September 1, 2011
This study is the result of a joint project of two schol­ars, an Israeli and a Pales­tin­ian, to exam­ine simul­ta­ne­ous­ly Israeli and Pales­tin­ian pub­lic opin­ion regard­ing key issues relat­ed to the Israeli-Pales­tin­ian con­flict: the Joint Israeli- Pales­tin­ian Poll (JIPP), which start­ed in 2000. Their analy­sis is based on the two-lev­el game the­o­ry approach, in which each par­ty is con­strained by sets of domes­tic and exter­nal fac­tors. Each sur­vey was con­duct­ed close to an impor­tant junc­tion in the al-Aqsa Intifa­da. (e.g., the release of the Roadmap plan, Sharon’s dis­en­gage­ment plan, Arafat’s death and the Sec­ond Lebanon War). The authors show how pub­lic opin­ion con­tributed to deci­sions regard­ing domes­tic poli­cies and inter­na­tion­al moves, “…wherin [lead­ers] played one game at the inter­na­tion­al table while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly play­ing a sec­ond game with influ­en­tial domes­tic oppo­nents, each at his own domes­tic table.” This is an impor­tant infor­ma­tive and ana­lyt­i­cal study exam­in­ing opin­ions, dilem­mas, and activ­i­ties of both sides. It pro­vides clear analy­sis of past events and clues for under­stand­ing future devel­op­ments. Bib­li­og­ra­phy, index, notes.
Ruth Seif is a retired chair­per­son of Eng­lish at Thomas Jef­fer­son High School in NYC. She served as admin­is­tra­tor in the alter­na­tive high school division.

Discussion Questions