
Par­ent­ing Anx­ious Kids: Under­stand­ing Anx­i­ety in Chil­dren by Age and Stage

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

The com­plete CBT-based guide for par­ent­ing kids with anx­i­ety.

Do you sus­pect your child may have anx­i­ety? While it’s nor­mal for chil­dren of all ages to expe­ri­ence fears and wor­ries, if your child’s anx­i­ety inter­feres with their dai­ly life, it’s time to get some help. Par­ent­ing Anx­ious Kids is an acces­si­ble, research-based guide for par­ents that is filled with action­able steps to help your child con­quer their anx­i­ety — and a must-have par­ent­ing tool in a world where kids’ anx­i­eties and fears are increas­ing.

Uti­liz­ing clin­i­cal­ly proven cog­ni­tive behav­ioral ther­a­py tech­niques, Par­ent­ing Anx­ious Kids pro­vides par­ents with the tools they need to sup­port their chil­dren with­out ask­ing them to become their kids’ ther­a­pist.

Anx­i­ety in chil­dren is man­age­able — the most impor­tant thing is to get start­ed right away so your child doesn’t miss out on rela­tion­ships, activ­i­ties, and all the things that make being a kid fun! Par­ent­ing Anx­ious Kids is the per­fect resource to help your child become their best self and learn how to man­age any­thing life throws their way.

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