
Paris Lamb

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

The sus­pi­cious death of an esteemed pro­fes­sor thrusts bib­li­cal archae­ol­o­gist Michael Saun­ders to the fore­front of a rare antiq­ui­ties auc­tion. To sub­sti­tute for the late pro­fes­sor at a schol­ar’s con­fer­ence in New York, Michael is sum­moned from a Paris vaca­tion to authen­ti­cate the price­less arti­facts known as God’s Gold. The objects — a can­de­labrum, sil­ver trum­pets, and a sac­ri­fi­cial table from Solomon’s Tem­ple in Jerusalem — have trav­eled through the hands of bar­bar­ians and Van­dals to find their way into safe-keep­ing at the Vat­i­can. Released onto the open mar­ket, world pow­ers vie for the trea­sures. Duty-bound to his pro­fes­sion, Michael returns with his new found love, San­drine, his Paris Lamb, to face the inevitable conflicts.

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