
Per­fect is Overrated

  • From the Publisher
April 27, 2012
Karen Bergreen’s debut nov­el, Fol­low­ing Pol­ly, was laud­ed by read­ers and crit­ics, who called it charm­ing, a laugh-out-loud page turn­er, and said It’s like Com­e­dy Cen­tral picked up Law & Order. In Per­fect is Over­rat­ed (St. Martin’s Grif­fin; July 2012), she deliv­ers anoth­er wicked­ly fun­ny and twist­ed romp that shows how being the per­fect mom can be mur­der! For­mer assis­tant dis­trict attor­ney, Kate Alger can bare­ly get out of bed. Her hand­some detec­tive hus­band, Paul, has left her and she just can’t shake the post­par­tum depres­sion she’s expe­ri­enced since the birth of their daugh­ter, Mol­ly. But when the alpha-moth­ers of Molly’s preschool class­mates begin to turn up dead, Kate springs back to life. Feel­ing ener­gized for the first time in years, Kate’s inves­ti­ga­tion takes her through the halls of Hawthorne Preschool and into the posh homes of the Upper East Side where noth­ing is ever as per­fect as it seems. While on the trail of the killer, Kate begins a new romance with one of the teach­ers from Hawthorne, ignit­ing feel­ings of jeal­ous­ly in Paul. But with all the new dis­trac­tions will Kate find the killer before anoth­er moth­er meets an untime­ly demise? And if the killer is tar­get­ing the moth­ers of Hawthorne, could Kate be next? In Per­fect is Over­rat­ed, Bergreen presents a lov­able hero­ine who might fall back in love, might find a killer, but she sure won’t be spend­ing all day in bed anymore. 

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