
Pic­tures of the Past

  • From the Publisher
April 16, 2012
An Impres­sion­ist paint­ing, hang­ing for decades in the Art Insti­tute of Chica­go and donat­ed by the charis­mat­ic phil­an­thropist Tay­lor Wood­mere, is chal­lenged by an elder­ly woman as a Nazi theft. Taylor’s com­pelling sto­ry takes us back to 1937. Sent to Paris on fam­i­ly busi­ness, he reluc­tant­ly leaves his girl­friend Emi­ly, a spoiled debu­tante from New­port, Rhode Island. But once in Europe, he imme­di­ate­ly falls in love – first with an Hen­ri Lebasque paint­ing, and then with the enchant­i­ng Sarah Berg­er of Berlin. After Tay­lor returns home, the Berg­er fam­i­ly becomes trapped in the Nazi web and any attempts for the new lovers to be reunit­ed are thwart­ed. Inter­wo­ven with this nar­ra­tive is the sto­ry of Rachel Gold, a beau­ti­ful Chica­go girl, caught up in the times of the late 1960’s. Preg­nant and aban­doned by her boyfriend Court Wood­mere, Taylor’s son, she moves to New York to live with her aunt, a Holo­caust sur­vivor. Years lat­er, as the con­tro­ver­sy sur­round­ing the prove­nance of the paint­ing becomes pub­lic, Rachel’s grown son is dis­turbed by his inex­plic­a­ble famil­iar­i­ty with the work of art. And it is only Tay­lor Wood­mere who can unrav­el the com­pli­cat­ed puz­zle of their lives. From a world torn by war, a love sto­ry emerges that endures through years of separation.

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