
Poor Man’s Feast: A Love Sto­ry of Com­fort, Desire, and the Art of Sim­ple Cooking

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

Based on the James Beard Award-win­ning food blog: Born and raised in New York to a food-pho­bic moth­er and a food-fanat­i­cal father, Elis­sa Alt­man grew up at the fam­i­ly table with large Jew­ish hol­i­day meals, learn­ing ear­ly on that fan­cy is always best. After a child­hood spent din­ing at fine estab­lish­ments, she devot­ed her life to all things gas­tro­nom­i­cal — serv­ing rare game birds at elab­o­rate din­ner par­ties in an apart­ment so tiny that the guests couldn’t turn around. Then, Elis­sa met and fell in love with Susan — a fru­gal, small-town Con­necti­cut Yan­kee with a devo­tion to sim­ple liv­ing — and it changed her rela­tion­ship with food — and the peo­ple who taught her about it — for­ev­er. Told with ten­der and often hilar­i­ous hon­esty and filled with twen­ty-six deli­cious recipes, Poor Man’s Feast is a tale of find­ing sus­te­nance and peace in a world of excess and inau­then­tic­i­ty, demon­strat­ing how all our sto­ries are inex­tri­ca­bly bound up with how we feed our­selves and those we love.

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