

Leon Uris
  • From the Publisher
August 1, 2014

In Queen’s Bench Court­room Num­ber Sev­en, famous author Abra­ham Cady stands tri­al. In his book The Holo­caust –born of the ter­ri­ble rev­e­la­tion that the Jad­wiga Con­cen­tra­tion camp was the site of his fam­i­ly’s exter­mi­na­tion – Cady shook the con­scious­ness of the human race. He also named emi­nent sur­geon Sir Adam Kel­no as one of Jad­wiga’s most sadis­tic inmates/​doctors. Kel­no has denied this and brought furi­ous charges. Now unfolds Leon Uris’ riv­et­ing court­room dra­ma — one of the great fic­tion­al tri­als of the century. 

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